Govt. Orders on Make in India, Public Procurement & FAQ on PPP MII Govt Orders

1. Background of PMA-PPP-MII

The PMA started historically with orders from Department of IT now known as Ministry of Electronics and IT as Preferential Market Access(PMA) and later moved as Public Procurement ( Preference to Make in India) commonly called as PPP MII. These are issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industries- DPIIT, earlier called DIPP.

The orders issued by DPIIT/DIPP are applicable to all departments, ministries, all procurements. Orders issued by Prime Minister, CentralVigilanceCommissioner are also applicable to all departments/procurements. The PPP MII orders are issued with reference to General Finance Rules (GFR) hence applicable to all without any exception

However, the administrative departments or nodal ministries are permitted to issue their own supplementary/additional orders in support of DPIIT/DIPP orders. These mainly concerned to the products covered by these departments. These orders issued by nodal ministries are also applicable to all procurements by all the departments for the products identified by nodal ministries.

On several occasions the nodal/procurement ministries reiterates the DPIIT/DIPP/nodal ministries, for all their officers.

The ICT/Telecom/Mobile/Electronics products and services are procured by almost all procurement/departments. Nodal Ministries for these products are Department of Telecom (DOT), Department of Electronics and IT (MeitY-earlier DIT). Railways are another department procuring large ICT/ Video products.

2. Role of TEMA/CMAI in Make in India/PPP-MII/PMA policies and implementation

TEMA/CMAI are important stakeholders for Make in India policies and effectively represent the interest of manufacturers by participation in various policy meetings and interactions for policy, procedure, specifications, testing, manufacturing issues.

TEMA/CMAI has taken up various grievances, on behalf of Industry, regarding violations of Government policy on "Public Procurement (Preference to Make In India" (PPP MII) Order, 2017” as amended with 95% success rate. Large scale violation of policy by large buyers was observed and cases were taken up by us with PMO / DPIIT / Railways & DOT and most decisions were in favor of the domestic manufacturer. Government as well as our Hon’ble Prime Minister is committed to ensure adoption of domestic manufactured products in public procurement and TEMA/CMAI helps to ensure ground level implementation of the same.

Based on the experience and compendium of case studies, we would like to facilitate the procurement officers to understand the policy provisions, And at the same time help industries by taking up their grievances on PPP MII policy violations. Write to Ms Manisha GM CMAI/TEMA at +91-999 917 5001

Assistance/Guidance available from TEMA/CMAI If you face following issues, then write to us so that we may take it up with the concerned Government authority.
  1. If you find PPP MII has not been applied in any Government/PSU/Smart City/State Projects funded by GOI tenders for products/works/SI/Turnkey/EPC.
  2. If you find that in some tenders the terms and conditions are restrictive for local manufacturers.
  3. If you find difficulty in meeting Local Content (LC) or Value Addition norms and fee need to reconsider the same.
  4. If you find that in spite of your legal and valid bid, the Government has not allotted the order to you.
  5. Any other issue with regard to clarifications in PPP MII
  6. If you feel that there is a need to include any other item in PPP-MII list by MeitY or DOT.
  7. If you wish to be a part of various committees/groups formed on PPP MII in MeitY /DOT/TEC/DPIIT etc.
  8. If you find need to file a legal case to defend your rights under PPP MII

The Copies of the orders for these departments are submitted below.

  1. Ministry of Commerce and Industries, DIPP/DPIIT is nodal department to issue PMA orders called PPP MII
    1. First order issued on 15 6 2017
    2. Second revision issued on 28.5.2018
    3. Third revision issued on 29 5 2019
    4. Fourth revision issued on 4.6.2020
    5. In Between Clarifications/Amendments have been issued on 16.4.2019 ( and prior to that MOF on 4.6.2018) that applies to all Central Schemes Central Sector Schemes for procurement made by States & local bodies, if project or scheme is fully or partially funded by Govt. of India.
    6. DPIIT order 12/15 th July 2021 that PPP-MII applies to all Public Private Partnership Projects
    7. 16.9.2020 DPIIT Order clarifying local content (LC) definition
    8. 4.3.2021 clariying that AMC, waranty etc. shall not be included in local content (LC)
    9. 28.3.2022 Clarifying that for ULCE not to be used CCTV. Use only BIS
    10. Some FAQ by DPIIT.
    11. Updated 8.2.2023 FAQ by DPIIT
    12. 23.11.2022 clarifying Meity & other deptt to revise Local Content (LC) definition
    13. 15.7.21 DPIIT on Local Content (LC) V/S DOT orders.
    14. 19.7.2024 Revised DPIIT PPP MII Orders

    Registration Granted under Rule 144(xi) GFR

    1. Registration Certificate for M/s Schlumberger Asia Services Limited P-45021/184/2020-PP(BE-II)001 dated 01.04.2021 (363.3 KB) 
    2. Registration Certificate for M/s Neuman & Esser Engineering(India)Pvt. Ltd P-45021/184/2020-PP(BE-II)002 dated 01.04.2021 (223.83 KB) 
    3. Registration Certificate to M/s Apraava Energy Pvt. Ltd (Formerly M/s CLP India Ltd) dated 20.12.21 (352.6 KB) 
    4. Registration Certificate to M/s Econess Energy Co.Ltd. dated 20.12.2021 (249.29 KB) 
    5. Registration Certificate to M/s Shandong Xingfa Carbon Co. Ltd. dated 01.02.2022 (243.45 KB) 
    6. Registration Certificate to M/s Nanjing Lanya Chemical Co. Ltd. dated 01.02.2022 (326.3 KB) 
    7. Registration Certificate to M/s TZ (Taizhong) Hong Kong International LTD dated 22.03.2022 (358.62 KB) 
    8. Registration Certificate to M/s Panasonic Manufacturing (Beijing) Co Ltd dated 27.05.2022 (334.56 KB) 
    9. Registration Certificate to M/s Toshiba lndia Private Limited dated 11.07.2022 (498.29 KB) 
    10. Registration Certificate to M/s Datonq Xinchenq New Material Go. Ltd. 28 July 2022 (347.84 KB) 
    11. Registration Certificate to M/s Bell Weather International FZC, Sharjah UAE dated 02.12.2022 (505.99 KB) 
    12. Registration Certificate to M/s Kyocera Document Solutions lndia Pvt Ltd dated 02.12.2022 (537.95 KB) 
    13. Registration Certificate TZ (taizhong) Hon Kong dated 31.05.2023 (1.15 MB) 
    14. Registration Certificate HLL Lifecare Ltd. dated 31.08.2023 (517.47 KB) 
    15. Registration Certificate to M/s Henan Huanqhe Whirlwind international Co. Ltd dated 23.02.2024. (384.89 KB) 
    16. Registration Certificate to M/s Datong Xincheng New Material Co. Ltd dated 12.04.2024 (345.4 KB)

    List of States implemented Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order
    1. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order of Government of Manipur dated 16.10.2018 (4.37 MB) 
    2. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order of Government of Nagaland dated 04.12.2018 (3.59 MB) 
    3. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order of Government of Himachal Pradesh dated 16.05.2020 (1003.14 KB) 
    4. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order of Government of Andhra Pradesh dated 25.02.2021 (2.85 MB) 
    5. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order of Government of Goa dated 02.05.2023 (404.04 KB) 

    DPIIT and MOF Orders relating to Companies from Border Countries

    1. 17.4.2020 PN 3 imposing restrictions for FDI from Border Countries like China etc.
    2. 23.7.2020 GFR Rule 144(xi) compulsory registration for companies from border areas and their Indian subsidiaries etc.
    3. 14.10.2020 The format for applying for registration
    4. 8.2.2021 clarifying that the broder country rule does not apply to raw materials, sub assemblies, components
    5. 23.7.2020 excluding countries with whom India has development agreements
    6. 23.7.2020 MOF conveying Govt decision to States to apply Border country orders
    7. Article 257(1) of Constitution- States not to prejudice the Union executive powers
    8. 24-07-2020 MOF Clarification tenders to be scrapped if border country bidder becomes eligible otherwise
    9. 8.2.2021 MOF order that border country not applies to components submodules
    10. 21.10.2020 MOF Border country rule not for components sub modules
    11. Details of situations mentioned in 21.10.2020 order
    12. 11.11.2020 Para 6 DPIIT Minutes No.P-45021/112/2020-PP(BEII) E-43780
    13. 23.2.2023 amendment to 23.7.2020 Order (Public Procurement No. 4) - Restrictions under Rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017
    14. 23.2.2023 Amendment to Rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017
    15. 2.3.21 exemption to spare parts, AMC,CMC of OEM
    16. 4.8.22 exemption solar cells, invertors, battery storage etc.

    Orders relating to Global Tenders
    1. 6.2.2020 MOF orders 161 (i) GFR on global tenders
    2. 15-05-2020 MOF No Global Tender upto 200 crores
    3. MOF 18.11.2020 domestic tender to be first issued prior to global tender
    4. 28-05-2020 MOF- Secy Coordination Cabinet Sectt is nodal officer for global purchases upto Rs 200 Cr
    5. MOF 29.10.2020 Global tender restrictions not to apply for spare parts from OEM
    6. Manual of Procurement of goods for 2017 provision for Global tender
    7. MOF 3rd Aug 2021 DOE instruction for filling GTE exemption with Govt.
    8. MOF 30th June 2021 DOE Global tender enquiry regarding instruction apply exceptional case.
    9. MOF 1st Sep 2021 DOE Order for GTE enquiry not required for supply of OEM & AME.
    10. MOF 3rd Aug 2021 DOE order regarding consulting services relaxation eligibility condition.
    11. 29.8.22 relaxation for hardware software etc.
    12. 8.1.21 DOE modified and attached PSA Guidelines
    13. GTE GFR Guidelines
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 08.10.2021 regarding prior approval for Global Tender Enquiry under 161(iv) of GFR (44.21 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 03.08.2021 on revised Consolidated Instructions regarding Global Tender Enquiry under Rule161 (3.39 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 21.12.2020 under 161(iv) GFR on MoPNG Proposal (12.57 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dated 18.11.2020 on GTE. (247.21 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dated 29.10.2020 on relaxation related to spare from OEMs, OES & OPMs (81.63 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dated 28.10.2020 on GTE for Defence (42.51 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 27.08.2021on Clarification on new format for Global Tender Enquiry (331.67 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 15.05.2020 regarding amendment in GFR Rules related to GTE (244.21 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 06.01.2022 for relaxation under GTE for 128 Medical Devices (2.32 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 14.02.2022 for relaxation under GTE for Procurement of Raw Materia (2.32 MB) 
      • DO Letter Dated 02.05.2022 for GTE portal w.e.f 05.05.2022 (252.03 KB) 
      • GTE Guidelines in line with Amendments in GFR's 2017 (954.22 KB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 01.04.2022 for relaxation under GTE for Procurement of Semi-Conductor (1.11 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM dated 21.06.2022 for relaxation on GTE for 371 Medical Devices/ Equipments (2.07 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dt. 29.08.2022 w.r.t relaxation for procurement of certain hardware and software items through GTE (2.32 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dt. 25.11.2022 w.r.t relaxation on GTE related to Drugs & Medicines (2.37 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure OM Dt. 25.11.2022 w.r.t relaxation on GTE related to Drugs & Medicines (5.25 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure O.M. dated 19.12.2023 for Relaxation for procurement of certain items through Global (GTE) (10.63 MB) 
      • Department of Expenditure O.M dated 28.06.2024 for relaxation on GTE for 354 Medical Devices (16.41 MB) 
      • DoE OM dated 27.06.2024 for Exemption of Railways critical item for train operation under GTE (198.37 KB) 
      • DPIIT O.M dated 21.04.2023 regarding Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for development of local vendors (1.04 MB) 

    MSME Orders
    1. The MSME definition vide Notification No
    2. 6.2.2023 Refund of BGs forfeited for MSMEs
    3. 12.11.2020 Reduction of PBG to 3%
    4. 5.8.2022 E Bank Guarantees acceptable for all
    5. 1.4.2022 stage wise refund of PBG
    Orders issued by Ministry of Power
    1. 28-07-2020 Min of Power PPP MII Applicable
    2. 28.10.2020 Min of Power applicability of PPP MII
    3. 02-07-2020 Min of Power Safe Cyber Order
    4. 17.9.20 amending 28.10.2020
    5. 16.11.21 Revised PPP MII
    6. MP PPP MII Dated 16.10.2021
    7. MOP PPP MII Dated 3.7.2023 energy smart meters
    Orders issued by Ministry of Petroleum and Gas
    1. 25.4.17 MIN Petroleum all PSU covered
    Orders by DPIIT,CVC, MOF DOE on restrictive conditions and not to mention foreign brands / certifications.
    1. Updated Note on not to mention foreign brands, restrictive conditions
    2. Detailed Note on Not to mention Foreign Brands, certifications
    3. GFR on restrictive clauses
    4. 12.5.2020 MOF DOE regarding use of Indian standards
    5. DIPP 20.6.2019 with Annexure I on restrictive clauses
    6. Annexure I
    7. CVC 20.4.2018 on restrictive clauses
    8. CVC 2003 not to mention brands
    9. MOF DOE 17.12.1998 not to mention brands such as HP etc.
    10. PM letter of 3.1.2019 not to mention brands
    11. Rly letter 8.5.2018 with MOF letter dated 24.4.2018 on restrictive clauses
    12. Standing Committee no restrictive clauses
    13. 5.6.2018 Min of Health..USFDA can not be mandated
    14. 20.2.2018 MOF DOE asked all Ministries Financial Advisors to check and verify restrictive conditions
    15. 20.4.2018 CVC asked all CVO, IEM to ensure no restrictive conditions
    16. 5.8.2021 Cabinet Secretary DO letter against restrictive conditions and for strict compliance
    17. 11.2.2021 MOF orders that no need to be in profit in last more than one year in last three years
    18. 5.6.2018 MOF not to mention rest terms
    19. DPIIT Order 28.3.2022 for CCTV not to use UL/CE but IS 13252
    20. DPIIT Order 28.3.2022 not to have in CCTV restrictive condntiions of turnoevr, spects, tests etc.
    21. Meity Orders 25.8.2022 NOT to use Gartner for Cloud services
    22. 20.12.2022 DPOIIT common restriction details.
    Orders Regarding Metro
    1. 24.5.2018 Urban Affairs declares eligibility conditions for all Metros
    2. 11.4.2018 Urban Affairs declares dev of indigenous Metros policy
    3. Order dated 14.11.2017 Metro Rails MoHUA-Order_14112017
    4. 7.11.2019 how MII was applied to Pune Metro
    5. 15.3.2019 Pune Metro Amendment
    6. 5.5.2020 Metro List for local procurement
    7. 14.10.20 Metro Local Content (LC)
    8. 28.11.2019 Make in India and Standardisation in Metro Rail RRTS System l
    9. 1.1.21 MOHUA Orders on Mandatory Purchase from Make in India for some Metro Products
    10. Some Metro Tenders
      1. Delhi Metro Lift & Esclators EOI EOI_LandE_12218
      2. EOI Delhi Metro Static Frequency Convertor
      3. Mumbai Metro Bidding document
    11. Aug 2018 Standardization/Indigenization of Electrical & Electromechanical Metro Rail Components
    12. Eligibility criteria for procument of rolling stock
  2. GEM Procurement
    1. Push Button Procurements upto Rs 5 lacs
Bidders right to question rejection
  1. Manual of Procurement of Goods 2017 providers for bidders right to question rejection
  2. CVC 25,4,2013 Reasons for rejection should be told
  3. MOF 20.5.2013 reasons to be told MOF 18.7.2014 FOR Integrity Pact
  • Department of Telecom orders
    DOT issued two orders during PMA Phase ie. on 5.10.2012 and 11.1.2017 and two orders after PPP MII. This order was issued on 29.8.2018 and 19.2.2020
    1. Click 5.10.2012
    2. Click 11.1.2017
    3. Click 29.8.2018
    4. Cick 19.2.2020 regarding Clause 10D reciprocal Countries
    5. List of existing licensees as on 30.6.2021
  • Orders Regarding Preference to Cyber Security products
    1. MietY Order dated 4.3.2021 attached
    2. 6.12.2019 Meity Order for local cyber safety products
    3. MietY Order dated 2.7.2018 (Earlier) MietY order on Cyber Security products revised on 6.12.2019
    4. DOT Order dated 16.3.2021 for prefrence to Local cyber security products

  • Department of Electronics and IT Orders

    Department of Electronics and IT ( Earlier Department of IT) issued the motherhood policy of PMA on 10.2.2012 and several amendments elated to IT, electronics products.
    1. First order 10.2.2012 ( Not attached as substituted by 23.12.2013)
    2. Revised order on 23.12.2013
    3. Guidelines on 23.12.2013 on 16.11.2015
    4. After PPP MII on 15.6.2017, Meity issued Order dated 14.9.2017
    5. 19.3.21 PPP apply on Mobile phone for any value
    6. 29.4.2020 Meity Order declaring that all mobiles to be procured within India domestic made 50 % VA
    7. 1.8.18 PPP-MII for mobile phones
    8. MeitY order dcated 4.3.2021 for preference to local cyber security products
    9. 22.5.2015 PMA not for Traders
    10. 1.10.14 RE Biometric access Control
    11. 1.10.14 RE Biometric Iris sensors
    12. 22.5.14 Re Electronic Products for PMA
    13. 22.5.2014 (2) re Electronics products for PMA
    14. Meity notification -27th Aug 2021 for Tablets and Desktops
    15. 13. 15.3.22 Meity Clarifying that for other than 3a list, the DPIIT rules apply.
    16. 23.11.2022 Meity Local Content L/C basis for identified products and rest as per DPIIT
    17. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017-Notifying CCTV/ Video Surveillance System for Security in furtherance of the Order 6th March 2024.
    18. Meity Order 9.4.2024 for CCTV BIS CRO for all users
    19. Meity Order 11.3.2024 Advisory for all for VSS
    20. DGFT Order 20 May 2024 amending import of CRO and second hand IT products
    21. PPP MII Electronic Products in furtherance of the Order 07.09.2020
    For details of PMA Scheme and various product notifications issued by Meity please visit

  • Railways Orders

    Railways have issued two type of orders. One for their internal use reiterating the DIIP/DPIIT/DOT/Meity Orders. Other specific to their products. Some of relevant orders are given below: Railways orders are available at,1,304,366,508,511 Some of them are given below:
    1. Click 19.12.2018 Not to mention foreign brands
    2. Click 14.11.2018 MSME limits 25% and within this 3% for women owned MSME
    3. Click 7.08.2018 50% domestic Content mandatory
    4. Click Railways 8.5.2018 attaching Expenditure Department order 24.4.2018 not to prescribe restrictive conditions like turnover, financial strength, experience, past performance, technical competence, production capacity etc.
    5. Click 1.02.2018 Mentioning Local content (LC) mandatory
    6. Click 27.12.2017 standing committee 6.12.2017 no restriction condition and applies to works also
    7. Click 28.12.2016 For procurements over Rs 300 Crores, domestic production plan within three years mandatory
    8. General procurement orders of Railways
      1. Indian Railways Standard General Conditions of Contract, July 2020 ( GCC July 2020)
      2. Specifications made by TRDSO for telecom,2,462,5892,5894,2,462,5892,5893
        RDSO Telecom Directorate,2,462
      3. General Instructions & General Conditions for Global Supply Tenders (Version – 16)
    9. 3.8.2017 RLY MANDATES PPP MII
    10. 12.7.20 Railways some relaxations for wagon mfg
    11. Orders issued by Railways Ministry regarding PPP MII in Telecom
  • Orders by Central Vigilance Commissioner

    CVC orders applies to all Departments. They issue several orders with regard to corruption prevention, policy and procedures for procurement and Make in India, avoiding restrictive conditions in procurements etc. Some of orders issued by CVC are below.

    1. CVC Circulars Guidelines 2003 to 2007
    2. CVC orders on tenders are available at
    3. CVC 4.9.2003 Eligibility similar works
    4. CVC 9.5.2006 Nonstandard Spects
    5. CVC 15.10.23 Sample Feel Finish etc
    6. CVC 5.2.2004 Consultants & other terms
    7. CVC 17.12.2002 on eligibility Exp turnover etc
    8. CVC 21.4.2002 Bidding by Agents
    9. CVC 25.3.2005 Right to reject with responsibility
    10. CVC 24.12.2004 Consultants Bidding themselves
    11. CVC 30.4.2007 Nnnstandard spects
    12. CVC on PSU Back to back orders 20.10.2003
  • Orders by Ministry of Finance, DOE on release of PBG/EMD
    1. Order dated 13.5.2020 regarding release of performance Guarantee under GFR Rule 171. Click here

    2. Various orders issued by MOF DOE on EMD/PBG on 9.9.20, 7.9.20, 10.9.20, 3.9.20, 8.9.20, 1.9.20 Click here
    3. 1.4.22 Amendment to GFR stagewise return of Bid security Click here
    4. 5.8.22 Amendment to GFR Click here
    5. 6.2.23 MSME Refund of BGs Click here
    6. 12.11.20 Reduction of EMD to 3% Click here

  • Trusted Telecom Policy Government has announced National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector, this is commonly known as Trusted Telecom Products.
    1. National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector
    2. Important Announcement - TSPs_OEM
    3. 6.7.2021 Announcement for TSPs _Non India Registered OEMs
    4. 15.7.21 Clarifications on AMC-Upgrade-Update 14 July 2021
    5. 10.3.2021 Govt amends UASL Licence to use trusted products
    6. 10.3.2021 Amendment to UL(VNO) Licence for trusted products
    7. 30.3.2021 DOT asked to appoint Nodal officer for trusted Products
    8. 5.7.2021 Govt amends licence for compliance report on 1st January and 1st July every year
    9. 26.9.2018 DOT Security Policy for Licensees
    10. Compliance to amendments in Telecom Licenses issued by Department of Telecommunications for procurement of Telecommunication Equipment from Trusted Sources.
  • Nomination Policy Papers
    1. 5.7.2007 nomination basis
    2. cvc 11.12.2012 on Nomination and back to back
    3. CVC 20.10.2003 BACK TO BACK
    4. CVO 9.5.2006 Nomination Audit
    5. CVC 11.7.2018 on Nomination
    6. CVC 6.4.2021 on nomination
    7. Note on nomination policies GFR CVC Supreme Court- CSC example.

  • MOF/DOE, CVC, GFR on Integrity Pact Notifications not allowing any bidder banned in any Country

    GFR Rule 144 Download here
    GFR Explained Download here
    CVC Circular dated 28.9.2018 Annexure I
    CVC 4.12.2007 Annexure II
    19.7.2011 MOF DOE Annexure III
    20.7.2011 MOF DOE to Public Sector Board
    28.12.2007 CVC Integrity Pact
    13.1.2017 CVC on IEM appointment for Integrity Pact

    Blacklistin/ Debarment from procurement Policies

    1. Blackisting Debarment Note - Download
    2. Annexure I referred in Note MOF DOE OM 2.11.2021 - Download
    3. Annexure II 1.2.2018/3.8.2017 Rly Orders - Download

    GFR Other orders on procurement

    1. 23.5.2017 Salient Features of GFR 2017
    2. January, 2018 MOF PPT on GFR 2017
    3. 4.7.2019 MOF Revised Manual of Procurement of Works, 2019
    4. 4.8. 2021 21 days notice for PQB
    5. 8.2.2023 DRAFT for arbitration awards cases
    6. 21.4.2022 Retender if L1 withdraws bid
    7. Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017
    8. GFR 2017 amended till 31 Jul 2023

    GFR/NITI AAYOG on Research Studies/Consultancy services

    1. 31.8.2006 Manual of Policies and Procedure of Employment of Consultants
    2. 17 May 2021 Guidelines for Research Studies
    3. GFR Manual on procurement of Consultancy & Other Services 2017

  • Defence Procurement Matters
    1. DPP 2016 please click here
    2. PPT ON Defence Procurement Procedure 2016 please click here
    3. DRDO procurement-manual-2016 please click here
    4. DAP 2020
    7. Link Of defence Procurement orders
    8. Detailed Note on applicability of PPP MII for Defence
    9. Annexure I a referred in above note
    10. Note on restrictive conditions and foreign brands certification
    11. MSME incentives in defence procurements
    12. DAP 2020 EXTRACTS FOR IND Manufacturing
    13. 25.8.2020 DPP ADOPTS PPP MII ORDER
    14. 5.10.2020 MOD orders on same subject
    15. DPP Orders on Extent of Local Content (LC)
      1. 29.6.2018
      2. 27.9.2018
      3. 26.7.2018
      4. 27.8.2018
      5. 16.11.2018
      6. 1.5.2019
      7. 20.2.2020
      8. 21.5.2020
      9. 31.7.2020 one
      10. 31.7.2020 two
      11. 31.7.2020 three
  • Miscellaneous Orders
    Several orders have been issued by various Government departments with regard to their products and services or for implementing DPIIT/DIPP/DOT/Meity orders in their departments.
    The notifications from various Ministries for local content (LC) percentage is available at Public Procurement Archives | Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade | MoCI | GoI (

  • CMAI/TEMA Prepared FAQ Click Here for details

  • DPIIT Prepared FAQ

  • TEMA/CMAI has taken up various grievances, on behalf of Industry, regarding violations of Government policy on "Public Procurement (Preference to Make In India" (PPP MII) Order, 2017” as amended with 95% success rate. Large scale violation of policy by large buyers was observed and cases were taken up by us with PMO / DPIIT / Railways & DOT and most decisions were in favor of the domestic manufacturer. Government as well as our Hon’ble Prime Minister is committed to ensure adoption of domestic manufactured products in public procurement and TEMA/CMAI helps to ensure ground level implementation of the same. TEMA/CMAI firmly believes that Policy of Preference in Public Procurement to Make In India (PPP MII) is one policy that can help resurrect the Indian Industry hence we consider proper implementation of this policy will be our biggest contribution for grown and prosperity of Indian Industry.

    TEMA/CMAI has also been receiving several requests from various Procurement Officers/State Government officers to seek clarity on the provisions of PPP MII.

    Now, to extend benefits of this policy to various procurement officers as also many more Industries, we have compiled an FAQ based on learning’s from the decisions taken by Government while resolving various disputes. TEMA/CMAI has a list of these case studies along with decisions taken by the standing committee that spans across industries from Railway Coaches to Lifts and Telecom products.

    Based on this experience and compendium of case studies, we would like to help procurement officers to understand the provisions as also to industries by taking up their grievances on PPP MII policy violation by the procurement agencies.

  • Declaration of Sufficient Local Capacity and Competition under clause 3(a) of PPP-MII Order 2017
  • Procurement Projection for next 3-5 year of Ministries/Deptt/CPSE etc.

    Demand projections for next 3-5 years have been given by various ministries-
    DPIIT for Industrial corridors 22.5.2020, Tariff commission DPIIT 18.5.2020, Leather 15.5.2020, CPPWD 20.5.2020, Skill dev Min 10.9.2020, DOT 22.10.2020, Animal Husbandry, Mines, Parliament Affairs, STPI,NICSI,UIDAI

    • IICC, Deptt for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade - Procurement Projection for FY 2020-21 (86.45 KB) 
    • Tariff Commission, Deptt for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade- Procurement Projection for FY 2020-21 to 2024-25 (255.13 KB) 
    • Deptt for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (Leather) Procurement Projection (160.9 KB) 
    • M/o Electronics and Information Technology (STPI) Procurement Projection for FY 2020-21 to 2024-25 (54.68 KB) 
    • M/o Electronics and Information Technology (UIDAI) Procurement Projection for FY 2020-21 to 2024-25 (52.34 KB) 
    • M/o Electronics and Information Technology (NICSI) Procurement Projection for FY 2020-21 to 2024-25 (63.29 KB) 
    • M/o HUA (CPWD) Procurement Projection for next 3 to 5 year (701.79 KB) 
    • Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Procurement Projection (448.5 KB) 
    • Procurement Projection of Ministry of Mines (4.11 MB) 
    • Ministry of Skill Developement & Enterpreneurship Procurement Projection (569.6 KB) 
    • Ministry of Parliamentry Affairs Procurement Projection (209.81 KB) 
    • Department of Telecommunication Procurement Projection weblink dated 22.10.2020 (349.55 KB) 
  • Local Content (LC) Definitions Given By Various Ministries
    Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals
    1. Order No. C.I-43012/52/2017-Chem-1(B) dated 25.05.2018
    2. Order No. C.I-43012/52/2017-Chem-1(B) dated 23.10.2018
    3. Order No. C.I-43012/52/2017-Chem-1(B) dated 01.06.2020
    Department of Fertilizer
    1. Office Memorandum No. 14023/4/2018-FP dated 27.07.2018
    2. Order No. 14023/4/2018-FP (Vol. 1) dated 20.08.2020
    Department of Pharmaceuticals
    1. Guidelines No. 31026/36/2016-MD dated 18.05.2018
    2. Order No. 31026/4/2018-Policy dated 01.01.2019
    Ministry of Civil Aviation
    1. Notification No. AV-31020/47/2017-CNW-MOCA/[Com. No. E-122603] dated 26.02.2019
    Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
    1. Order No. P-31032/16/2018-CEMENT dated 21.05.2018
    2. Order No. P-27025/44/2018-Lather dated 19.06.2018
    3. Order No. P-20028/19/2018-PAPER dated 31.07.2018
    4. Order No. P-20028/19/2018-PAPER dated 13.05.2020
    5. Order No. P-31032/7/2020-Cement dated 13.05.2020
    Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
    1. Office Memorandum No. Z.28018/67/2010-EPW(Part) dated 14.01.2018
    Department of Heavy Industry
    1. Notification No. 12(39)/2018-AEI(15446) dated 18.05.2018
    2. Notification No. 9/45/2017-HE&MT dated 08.06.2018
    3. Office Memorandum No. 9/45/2017-HE&MT (E 13365) dated 10.08.2018
    4. Order dated 20.10.2020
    Ministry of Mines
    1. Order No. 7/49/2014-M.IV dated 16.10.2018
    Ministry of New and Renewable Energy <
    1. Office Memorandum No. 146/57/2018-P&C dated 11.12.2018
    2. Order No. 283/22/2019-GRID SOLAR dated 23.09.2020
    Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
    1. Order No. FP-20013/22/2017-FP-PNG dated 06.08.2018
    2. Order No. FP-20013/12/2018-FP-PNG dated 25.06.2019
    3. Notification No. O-27011/44/2015-ONG-II/FP dated 25.04.2017
    4. Notification No. FP-20013/2/2017-FP-PNG dated 07.10.2019
    5. Notification No. FP-20013/2/2017-FP-PNG dated 17.11.2020
    Ministry of Power
    1. Order No. 11/05/2018-Coord dated 20.12.2018
    2. Order No. 11/05/2018-Coord dated 28.12.2018
    3. Order No. 11/05/2018-Coord dated 04.04.2020
    4. Office Memorandum No. 10/1/2019-St.Th.(part-II) dated 20.03.2020
    5. Order No. 11/05/2018-Coord dated 28.07.2020
    6. Order No. 11/05/2018-Coord dated 17.09.2020
    Ministry of Shipping
    1. Notification No. SY-24015/2/2018-SBR (332405) dated 31.08.2018
    Ministry of Textile