Guidelines for Summer Trainee Scheme in CMAI General
As an association CMAI offers summer training to students in association office, where various types of events/conference/seminar/exhibition etc. are being organized. Trainee can be given task of either organizing an upcoming event, or trainee can be put for research of some topic relevant to telecom, IT, trade and commerce etc. Research can be based on secondary data coupled with some interviews as primary data. CMAI can also put students on summer training at Korea/Taiwan/Japan but they will have to bear the expenses for travel stay etc.
Topic for Research:
Trainee can select any topic out of mentioned below or as student may suggest.
Topics relating to Educational Sector and Government formulation of Strategic Plans for ICT and Education Sector such as:
Topics related to ICT in Education Sector
Study of ICT Infrastructure of various Indian Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes in given area/ district/ state / region.
Practices and strategy for role of ICT in education as a Policy
Implementation of ICT Policy in educational institutes.
Strategic importance of vocational courses.
Importance of vocational courses in educational institutes.
Social contributions by various educational institutes.
Study of empowerment to students by educational institutes.
Role of educational institutes in development of a given area/ region/ district/ Panchayat.
Role of alternate and renewable energy in educational institute.
Importance of Green Policies in educational institute.
Relevance of electronic system and design manufacturing in India/ State/ Region.
Strategic approach for development of electronic manufacturing in India / Any other Country.
Study of developmental Policies of state for promotion of ICT.
Social Media : Boon or Bane ?
Youth empowerment through ICT
Topics related to ICT in General:
Energy deficiency globally and in India particularly...relating to scope of alternate energy development
Opportunities for electronic and telecom manufacturing in India
Opportunities for Solar Energy projects in India
Strategies for increasing broadband penetration and extending it to rural areas
Vacation of Spectrum for commercial uses and its efficient management.
Evolution of 4G globally and prospects in India
Strategies for coordination between various agencies for development of rural areas in integrated way.
Social Media- a boon or dismal thing for society
Technology perils in ICT
Innovations in Technology for ICT, Telecom, Mobile
Security aspects of Internet technology
Security aspects of Telecom Network
Cyber security of Networks
Effective coordination between Power and Telecom Networks
Effective Use of Universal Obligation Fund (USO Fund) for extending telephony and Broadband to uncovered rural population.
Licensing issues in Telecommunication arising out of multiple licenses and convergence.
User friendly security systems in telecommunications.
Promotion of telecom equipment manufacturing.
Convergence of telecom, IT and Broadcasting. Issues relating to operations, coverage, licensing, regulations etc.
Global practice for addressing Customers grievances and satisfaction in telecommunication field.
Environmental, Pollution aspects and Green IT, Telecom
Global Practices and policies on Telecom Infrastructure, towers etc..
Options for renewable, solar energy in Telecom, IT.
Global practices and policies for e waste management in telecommunication, IT field.
Local loop unbundling
E waste management in India as per Government regulations( we can change name)
Global practices of Active and Passive Infrastructure sharing in Telecom, IT.
Government initiatives to promote Indigenous manufacturing in India ( and/or different countries)
Strategies for promotion of Research & Development, IPRs in telecommunications.
Global status of 3G implementation and operators profitability.
Global advancement for 4G technology
Roadmap for 4G, LTE, TDLTE.
Optimization of Operators Revenues in the context of Tariffs in India.
Strategies for Disaster Management in Telecommunications field.
Standardization and issues of specifications in telecommunications.
Strategies for inclusive development by State Government in Telecom.
Digital India vision and strategies
Strategies for National Broadband Development Plan
Strategies for National Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Policy
Roadmap for New Telecom Policy for India
Analysis and Projections for Indian Telecom Operations Financials
Cooperation and strategies for Development of trade and business between India and Korea/Taiwan/China/Japan/etc. in ICT field.
Issues of Radiation, Health from Telecom Towers and Infrastructure.
Research Methodology/ Place of training.
As an association CMAI offers summer training to students in association office, where various types of events/conference/seminar/exhibition etc. are being organized. Trainee can be given task of either organizing an upcoming event, or trainee can be put for research of some topic relevant to telecom, IT, trade and commerce etc. Research can be based on secondary data coupled with some interviews as primary data. CMAI can also put students on summer training at Korea/Taiwan/Japan but they will have to bear the expenses for travel stay etc.
All students from one Institute will get one chance of personal meeting or concall when topic etc. has been decided and students have finally decided to join (No with drawl after that, otherwise complete ban for that Institute for future). In this the objectives of study and way forward etc. would be shared. Then a draft approach paper will be submitted by email, which will be replied within weeks time giving suggestions/comments. Draft final report to be submitted and week/10 days time given for approval. In between any queries/advice by email to be brief and to the point. Once every Sunday evening a email of status or progress to be sent.
Visit to office after pre fixing of time. Otherwise you are welcome but there must be a purpose.
Facilities during training
During the period of summer training and thereafter till completion of studies (or even thereafter if required), students would be given option to attend and join various CMAI events and conferences. That will give opportunity to interact and meet various senior officers from Government and Industry.
If students have any programme to visit outside India during training or even thereafter, then CMAI can also extend invitation to join telecom/IT events being held in those Countries, being sponsored by CMAI.
No financial commitment from Association. Students are expected to bear all the expenses relating to internet, report writing, travel etc.
However, Association will of its own reimburse or pay some nominal out of pocket expenses entirely at its sole discretion.Association may also offer PG accommodation to girls for their stay at Delhi, subject to availability at particular time.
Subject to merits and capabilities of students, Association will recommend suitable candidates for placement to its members within India and abroad. However it should not be construed as assurance in any way.
Formalities for training.
CMAI welcome letter from student and/or Institute, depending upon policies of Institute. The training would be confirmed by email. Certificate would be issued after completion.
The report shall specify in the beginning itself: " The report has been carried out under supervision and guidance of CMAI, who has all rights to use the report or its contents for any purpose whatsoever including but not limiting to printing, putting on website for public information."
Start and Finish of training
CMAI is open to start and finish training any time. It depends upon the requirement of Institute and wishes of students.