Mr. Donald Trump, President USA
Mr. Donald Trump took charge as 45th President of USA on 21 January, 2017.
As an association, we are proud of steps taken by President Trump in the first week itself and wish Indian Government takes cognizance of the same and attempt similar things in India for its citizens.
President Trump is known friend of India and a crusader challenging to everything before us. He is taking everything with an open view. His first priority is America, its job, its economy. He is not keen to take care of entire world, but America first. He is truly sincere for his words. President Trump deserves a huge applause for the manner in which he is moving forward to fulfill his election promises.
President Trump is a fresh blood and break from the usual mould of leaders in globe. He is different and dissimilar and has different ideas an out of box approach questioning every settled known theory in the interest of his America….and why not.
Note to welcome Donald Trump and its Policy Make in America, de globalization. Annexure II
Donald’s commitment of Make in America: Annexure III
Donald’s pre election views on internet (12th Dec 2015). Annexure IV
India faces issues as Donald Annexure V
Inaugural Speech of Donald Trump… Annexure VI
President on Free trade: “That’s not free trade. That’s fool’s trade,” 24.7.2018
Donald Trump on Fathers Day 2018
On Father’s Day, we pay special tribute to the men who devote themselves to supporting and caring for their loved ones. We take this occasion to show our gratitude to our fathers, to thank them for inspiring us to be our best, and to appreciate the influence they have in shaping our character and guiding our futures. Fathers across our country serve as role models for their children and families.
In each stage of our development, their unwavering support inspires us to take on the next big challenge and to pursue ambitious goals we might otherwise have thought beyond our reach.
All fathers must know and harness their power to shape the future of their children. More and more, scientific studies show that fathers who actively invest in their children improve their lives emotionally, physically, academically, and economically.
Donald Trump on education
“Too many American students are far too limited by the current education ‘system’ that assigns them to a school building based solely on where they live. That means their family income largely dictates their education options. But the freedom to choose the right education should not only be for the rich, powerful and connected. All students should have the freedom to pursue an education that develops their talents, unleashes their unique potential and prepares them for a successful life.
“The President was exactly right tonight to remind the nation of his call to expand education freedom. I look forward to continuing to work with Congress on ways to give students opportunities to pursue the education that engages their curiosity, unlocks their creativity and empowers them to reach their fullest potential. It’s time to do what’s best for kids and get to work.”
2019 State of the Union speech 5.2.2019
A Catastrophic Media Failure- -The Wall Street Journal 30.3.2019
“Robert Mueller’s investigation is over, but questions still abound. Not about collusion, Russian interference or obstruction of justice, but about the leading lights of journalism who managed to get the story so wrong, and for so long,” Sean Davis writes. “It wasn’t merely an error here or there. America’s blue-chip journalists botched the entire story, from its birth during the presidential campaign to its final breath Sunday—and they never stopped congratulating themselves for it.”
One has to ask “How did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria? . . . Its authors and promoters should be held accountable.”